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Business Tips:

Not just Human Resources


  • Culture - Hire someone who fits your culture and wants to learn. Don't focus on someone who checks all the skills boxes.

  • Ghosting - Don't leave candidates hanging - they have made an effort and you could lose the one you want

  • Messaging - Be clear and concise on job postings

  • Company appeal - Market your company to candidates, not the job

  • Interviews - Don't make the screening process painful

  • Passive Recruiting - Networking groups, social media, colleges, referrals

  • Interactive Job Descriptions - Instead of a traditional job posting, create an interactive job description. This could be in the form of a short video, an interactive website, or even a gamified experience that showcases the company culture, values, and what the job entails.

  • Referral Contests - Launch a referral contest among your current employees. Offer enticing prizes for referrals that lead to successful hires. This not only encourages employee engagement but also taps into their networks, potentially reaching candidates who are a good fit culturally.

  • Host a Hackathon or Coding Competition - If you're looking for technical talent, organize a hackathon or coding competition. This allows candidates to showcase their skills in a hands-on environment and gives you a chance to see how they work under pressure and collaborate with others.

  • Virtual Reality Job Tours - Use virtual reality technology to give potential candidates a virtual tour of your office space, allowing them to get a feel for the work environment and company culture without physically being there.

  • Company Sponsored Meetups or Events - Host meetups or events related to your industry or specific skill sets you're looking for. This provides an opportunity for potential candidates to network with your team in a casual setting and learn more about your company.

  • Employee Takeovers on Social Media - Allow employees to take over your company's social media accounts for a day to showcase what it's like to work at your company. This provides an authentic glimpse into your company culture and the day-to-day experiences of employees.

  • Personalized Outreach - Instead of sending generic recruitment emails, take the time to personalize your outreach to potential candidates. Mention specific projects or achievements of theirs that caught your attention and explain why you think they'd be a great fit for the role.

  • Offer Skill-Building Workshops - Host workshops or webinars that offer valuable skills training related to your industry. This not only positions your company as a thought leader but also attracts candidates who are interested in continuous learning and professional development.

  • Create a Talent Community - Build a talent community through platforms like LinkedIn or your company's website where potential candidates can sign up to receive updates about job openings, company news, and upcoming events.

  • Video Cover Letters - Instead of traditional written cover letters, invite candidates to submit video cover letters. This allows them to showcase their personality, communication skills, and enthusiasm for the role in a more engaging way.